
Proofs by humans, for humans, formally verified by Isabelle/ZF proof assistant

theory FinOrd_ZF_1 imports FinOrd_ZF Cardinal_ZF

In this theory we continue the subject of finite sets and order relation from FinOrd_ZF with some consequences of finite choice for down-directed sets.

Finte choice and preorders

In the Order_ZF theory we define what it means that a relation \(r\) down-directs a set \(X\): each two elements of \(X\) have a common lower bound in \(X\). If the relation is a preorder (i.e. is reflexive and transitive) and it down-directs \(X\) we say that \(X\) is a down-directed set (by the relation \(r\)).

The next lemma states that each finite subset of a down-directed set has a lower bound in \(X\).

lemma fin_dir_set_bounded:

assumes \( \text{IsDownDirectedSet}(X,r) \) and \( B\in \text{FinPow}(X) \)

shows \( \exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in B.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \)proof
from assms(1) have \( \exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in \emptyset .\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \) unfolding IsDownDirectedSet_def, DownDirects_def
have \( \forall A\in \text{FinPow}(X).\ (\exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in A.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r)\longrightarrow (\forall a\in X.\ \exists m\in X.\ \forall t\in A\cup \{a\}.\ \langle m,t\rangle \in r) \)proof
fix \( A \)
assume \( A\in \text{FinPow}(X) \) and I: \( \exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in A.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \)
fix \( a \)
assume \( a\in X \)
from I obtain \( x \) where \( x\in X \) and II: \( \forall t\in A.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \)
from assms(1), \( a\in X \), \( x\in X \) obtain \( m \) where \( m\in X \), \( \langle m,a\rangle \in r \), \( \langle m,x\rangle \in r \) unfolding IsDownDirectedSet_def, DownDirects_def
with assms(1), II have \( \exists m\in X.\ \forall t\in A\cup \{a\}.\ \langle m,t\rangle \in r \) unfolding IsDownDirectedSet_def, IsPreorder_def, trans_def
hence \( \forall a\in X.\ \exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in A\cup \{a\}.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \)
thus \( thesis \)
note assms(2)
ultimately show \( thesis \) by (rule FinPow_induct )

Suppose \(Y\) is a set down-directed by a (preorder) relation \(r\) and \(f,g\) are funtions defined on two finite subsets \(A,B\), resp., of \(X\), valued in Y (i.e.\(f:A\rightarrow Y\), \(f:B\rightarrow Y\) and \(A,B\) are finite subsets of \(X\)). Then there exist a function \(h:A\cup B\rightarrow Y\) that is a lower bound for \(f\) on \(A\) and for \(g\) on \(B\).

lemma two_fun_low_bound:

assumes \( \text{IsDownDirectedSet}(Y,r) \), \( A\in \text{FinPow}(X) \), \( B\in \text{FinPow}(X) \), \( f:A\rightarrow Y \), \( g:B\rightarrow Y \)

shows \( \exists h\in A\cup B\rightarrow Y.\ (\forall x\in A.\ \langle h(x),f(x)\rangle \in r) \wedge (\forall x\in B.\ \langle h(x),g(x)\rangle \in r) \)proof
from assms(2,3) have \( Finite(A\cup B) \) using union_finpow unfolding FinPow_def
fix \( x \)
assume \( x\in A\cup B \)
from assms(4,5) have \( f\{x\}\cup g\{x\} \in \text{FinPow}(Y) \) using image_singleton_fin, union_finpow
with assms(1) have \( \exists y\in Y.\ \forall t\in (f\{x\}\cup g\{x\}).\ \langle y,t\rangle \in r \) using fin_dir_set_bounded
hence \( \forall x\in A\cup B.\ \exists y\in Y.\ \forall t\in (f\{x\}\cup g\{x\}).\ \langle y,t\rangle \in r \)
with \( Finite(A\cup B) \) have \( \exists h\in A\cup B\rightarrow Y.\ \forall x\in A\cup B.\ \forall t\in (f\{x\}\cup g\{x\}).\ \langle h(x),t\rangle \in r \) by (rule finite_choice_fun )
then obtain \( h \) where \( h\in A\cup B\rightarrow Y \) and \( \forall x\in A\cup B.\ \forall t\in (f\{x\}\cup g\{x\}).\ \langle h(x),t\rangle \in r \)
with assms(4,5) have \( \forall x\in A.\ \langle h(x),f(x)\rangle \in r \) and \( \forall x\in B.\ \langle h(x),g(x)\rangle \in r \) using func_imagedef
with \( h\in A\cup B\rightarrow Y \) show \( thesis \)
Definition of IsDownDirectedSet: \( \text{IsDownDirectedSet}(X,r) \equiv \text{IsPreorder}(X,r) \wedge (r \text{ down-directs } X) \)
Definition of DownDirects: \( r \text{ down-directs } X \equiv X\neq 0 \wedge (\forall x\in X.\ \forall y\in X.\ \exists z\in X.\ \langle z,x\rangle \in r \wedge \langle z,y\rangle \in r) \)
Definition of IsPreorder: \( \text{IsPreorder}(X,r) \equiv \text{refl}(X,r) \wedge \text{trans}(r) \)
theorem FinPow_induct:

assumes \( P(0) \) and \( \forall A \in \text{FinPow}(X).\ P(A) \longrightarrow (\forall a\in X.\ P(A \cup \{a\})) \) and \( B \in \text{FinPow}(X) \)

shows \( P(B) \)
lemma union_finpow:

assumes \( A \in \text{FinPow}(X) \) and \( B \in \text{FinPow}(X) \)

shows \( A \cup B \in \text{FinPow}(X) \)
Definition of FinPow: \( \text{FinPow}(X) \equiv \{A \in Pow(X).\ Finite(A)\} \)
lemma image_singleton_fin:

assumes \( f:X\rightarrow Y \)

shows \( f\{x\} \in \text{FinPow}(Y) \)
lemma fin_dir_set_bounded:

assumes \( \text{IsDownDirectedSet}(X,r) \) and \( B\in \text{FinPow}(X) \)

shows \( \exists x\in X.\ \forall t\in B.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in r \)
lemma finite_choice_fun:

assumes \( Finite(X) \), \( \forall x\in X.\ \exists y\in Y.\ P(x,y) \)

shows \( \exists f\in X\rightarrow Y.\ \forall x\in X.\ P(x,f(x)) \)
lemma func_imagedef:

assumes \( f:X\rightarrow Y \) and \( A\subseteq X \)

shows \( f(A) = \{f(x).\ x \in A\} \)