In this theory file we study separation axioms and the notion of base and subbase. Using the products of open sets as a subbase we define a natural topology on a product of two topological spaces.
Topological spaces can be classified according to certain properties called "separation axioms". In this section we define what it means that a topological space is \(T_0\), \(T_1\) or \(T_2\).
A topology on \(X\) is \(T_0\) if for every pair of distinct points of \(X\) there is an open set that contains only one of them.
\( T \text{ is }T_0 \equiv \forall x y.\ ((x \in \bigcup T \wedge y \in \bigcup T \wedge x\neq y) \longrightarrow \) \( (\exists U\in T.\ (x\in U \wedge y\notin U) \vee (y\in U \wedge x\notin U))) \)
A topology is \(T_1\) if for every such pair there exist an open set that contains the first point but not the second.
\( T \text{ is }T_1 \equiv \forall x y.\ ((x \in \bigcup T \wedge y \in \bigcup T \wedge x\neq y) \longrightarrow \) \( (\exists U\in T.\ (x\in U \wedge y\notin U))) \)
\(T_1\) topological spaces are exactly those in which all singletons are closed.
lemma (in topology0) t1_def_alt:
shows \( T \text{ is }T_1 \longleftrightarrow (\forall x\in \bigcup T.\ \{x\} \text{ is closed in } T) \)proofA topology is \(T_2\) (Hausdorff) if for every pair of points there exist a pair of disjoint open sets each containing one of the points. This is an important class of topological spaces. In particular, metric spaces are Hausdorff.
\( T \text{ is }T_2 \equiv \forall x y.\ ((x \in \bigcup T \wedge y \in \bigcup T \wedge x\neq y) \longrightarrow \) \( (\exists U\in T.\ \exists V\in T.\ x\in U \wedge y\in V \wedge U\cap V=0)) \)
A topology is regular if every closed set can be separated from a point in its complement by (disjoint) opens sets.
\( T \text{ is regular } \equiv \forall D.\ D \text{ is closed in } T \longrightarrow (\forall x\in \bigcup T-D.\ \exists U\in T.\ \exists V\in T.\ D\subseteq U\wedge x\in V\wedge U\cap V=0) \)
Some sources (e.g. Metamath) use a different definition of regularity: any open neighborhood has a closed subneighborhood. The next lemma shows the equivalence of this with our definition.
lemma is_regular_def_alt:
assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( T \text{ is regular } \longleftrightarrow (\forall W\in T.\ \forall x\in W.\ \exists V\in T.\ x\in V \wedge \text{Closure}(V,T)\subseteq W) \)proofIf a topology is \(T_1\) then it is \(T_0\). We don't really assume here that \(T\) is a topology on \(X\). Instead, we prove the relation between isT0 condition and isT1.
lemma T1_is_T0:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is }T_1 \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_0 \)proofIf a topology is \(T_2\) then it is \(T_1\).
lemma T2_is_T1:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is }T_2 \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_1 \)proofIn a \(T_0\) space two points that can not be separated by an open set are equal. Proof by contradiction.
lemma Top_1_1_L1:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is }T_0 \) and A2: \( x \in \bigcup T \), \( y \in \bigcup T \) and A3: \( \forall U\in T.\ (x\in U \longleftrightarrow y\in U) \)
shows \( x=y \)proofA topology is \(T_3\) if it is regular and \(T_0\). \(T_3\) spaces are called "regular Hausdorff", which is a bit confusing as the definition requires the space to be \(T_0\) rather than \(T_2\). It is ok though as we we will show that \(T_3\) as defined here implies \(T_2\) so indeed \(T_3\) spaces are regular and Hausdorff. In some older sources the definitions of a regular and a \(T_3\) space are swapped. We follow the terminology from Wikipedia's "Separation axiom" entry, where \(T_3\) implies "regular".
\( T \{is T_3\} \equiv (T \text{ is regular }) \wedge T \text{ is }T_0 \)
If a topology is \(T_3\) then it is \(T_2\). It's interesting that even here we do not have to assume that \(T\) is a topology.
lemma T3_is_T2:
assumes \( T \{is T_3\} \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_2 \)proofSometimes \(T_3\) space is defined as one that is regular and \(T_1\) (rather than \(T_0\)). The next lemma shows that this definition is equivalent to the standard one.
lemma T3_def_alt:
shows \( T \{is T_3\} \longleftrightarrow (T \text{ is regular }) \wedge T \text{ is }T_1 \) using T3_is_T2, T2_is_T1, T1_is_T0 unfolding isT3_defSometimes it is convenient to talk about topologies in terms of their bases and subbases. These are certain collections of open sets that define the whole topology.
A base of topology is a collection of open sets such that every open set is a union of the sets from the base.
\( B \text{ is a base for } T \equiv B\subseteq T \wedge T = \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \)
A subbase is a collection of open sets such that finite intersection of those sets form a base.
\( B \text{ is a subbase for } T \equiv \) \( B \subseteq T \wedge \{\bigcap A.\ A \in \text{FinPow}(B)\} \text{ is a base for } T \)
Below we formulate a condition that we will prove to be necessary and sufficient for a collection \(B\) of open sets to form a base. It says that for any two sets \(U,V\) from the collection \(B\) we can find a point \(x\in U\cap V\) with a neighboorhod from \(B\) contained in \(U\cap V\).
\( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \equiv \) \( \forall U V.\ ((U\in B \wedge V\in B) \longrightarrow (\forall x \in U\cap V.\ \exists W\in B.\ x\in W \wedge W \subseteq U\cap V)) \)
A collection that is closed with respect to intersection satisfies the base condition.
lemma inter_closed_base:
assumes \( \forall U\in B.\ (\forall V\in B.\ U\cap V \in B) \)
shows \( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \)proofEach open set is a union of some sets from the base.
lemma Top_1_2_L1:
assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( U\in T \)
shows \( \exists A\in Pow(B).\ U = \bigcup A \) using assms, IsAbaseFor_defElements of base are open.
lemma base_sets_open:
assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( U \in B \)
shows \( U \in T \) using assms, IsAbaseFor_defA base defines topology uniquely.
lemma same_base_same_top:
assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( B \text{ is a base for } S \)
shows \( T = S \) using assms, IsAbaseFor_defEvery point from an open set has a neighboorhood from the base that is contained in the set.
lemma point_open_base_neigh:
assumes A1: \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and A2: \( U\in T \) and A3: \( x\in U \)
shows \( \exists V\in B.\ V\subseteq U \wedge x\in V \)proofA criterion for a collection to be a base for a topology that is a slight reformulation of the definition. The only thing different that in the definition is that we assume only that every open set is a union of some sets from the base. The definition requires also the opposite inclusion that every union of the sets from the base is open, but that we can prove if we assume that \(T\) is a topology.
lemma is_a_base_criterion:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( B \subseteq T \) and A3: \( \forall V \in T.\ \exists A \in Pow(B).\ V = \bigcup A \)
shows \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)proofA necessary condition for a collection of sets to be a base for some topology : every point in the intersection of two sets in the base has a neighboorhood from the base contained in the intersection.
lemma Top_1_2_L2:
assumes A1: \( \exists T.\ T \text{ is a topology } \wedge B \text{ is a base for } T \) and A2: \( V\in B \), \( W\in B \)
shows \( \forall x \in V\cap W.\ \exists U\in B.\ x\in U \wedge U \subseteq V \cap W \)proofWe will construct a topology as the collection of unions of (would-be) base. First we prove that if the collection of sets satisfies the condition we want to show to be sufficient, the the intersection belongs to what we will define as topology (am I clear here?). Having this fact ready simplifies the proof of the next lemma. There is not much topology here, just some set theory.
lemma Top_1_2_L3:
assumes A1: \( \forall x\in V\cap W .\ \exists U\in B.\ x\in U \wedge U \subseteq V\cap W \)
shows \( V\cap W \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \)proofThe next lemma is needed when proving that the would-be topology is closed with respect to taking intersections. We show here that intersection of two sets from this (would-be) topology can be written as union of sets from the topology.
lemma Top_1_2_L4:
assumes A1: \( U_1 \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \), \( U_2 \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \) and A2: \( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \)
shows \( \exists C.\ C \subseteq \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \wedge U_1\cap U_2 = \bigcup C \)proofIf \(B\) satisfies the base condition, then the collection of unions of sets from \(B\) is a topology and \(B\) is a base for this topology.
theorem Top_1_2_T1:
assumes A1: \( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \) and A2: \( T = \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \)
shows \( T \text{ is a topology } \) and \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)proofThe carrier of the base and topology are the same.
lemma Top_1_2_L5:
assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)
shows \( \bigcup T = \bigcup B \) using assms, IsAbaseFor_defIf \(B\) is a base for \(T\), then \(T\) is the smallest topology containing \(B\).
lemma base_smallest_top:
assumes A1: \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and A2: \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A3: \( B\subseteq S \)
shows \( T\subseteq S \)proofIf \(B\) is a base for \(T\) and \(B\) is a topology, then \(B=T\).
lemma base_topology:
assumes \( B \text{ is a topology } \) and \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)
shows \( B=T \) using assms, base_sets_open, base_smallest_topIn this section we consider a topology defined on a product of two sets.
Given two topological spaces we can define a topology on the product of the carriers such that the cartesian products of the sets of the topologies are a base for the product topology. Recall that for two collections \(S,T\) of sets the product collection is defined (in ZF1.thy) as the collections of cartesian products \(A\times B\), where \(A\in S, B\in T\). The \(T\times_tS\) notation is defined as an alternative to the verbose \( \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)).
\( T \times _t S \equiv \{\bigcup W.\ W \in Pow( \text{ProductCollection}(T,S))\} \)
The product collection satisfies the base condition.
lemma Top_1_4_L1:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( A \in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \), \( B \in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \)
shows \( \forall x\in (A\cap B).\ \exists W\in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S).\ (x\in W \wedge W \subseteq A \cap B) \)proofThe product topology is indeed a topology on the product.
theorem Top_1_4_T1:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( (T\times _tS) \text{ is a topology } \), \( \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \text{ is a base for } (T\times _tS) \), \( \bigcup (T\times _tS) = \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)proofEach point of a set open in the product topology has a neighborhood which is a cartesian product of open sets.
lemma prod_top_point_neighb:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( U \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \) and A3: \( x \in U \)
shows \( \exists V W.\ V\in T \wedge W\in S \wedge V\times W \subseteq U \wedge x \in V\times W \)proofProducts of open sets are open in the product topology.
lemma prod_open_open_prod:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( U\in T \), \( V\in S \)
shows \( U\times V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)proofSets that are open in the product topology are contained in the product of the carrier.
lemma prod_open_type:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)
shows \( V \subseteq \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)proofA reverse of prod_top_point_neighb: if each point of set has an neighborhood in the set that is a cartesian product of open sets, then the set is open.
lemma point_neighb_prod_top:
assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( \forall p\in V.\ \exists U\in T.\ \exists W\in S.\ p\in U\times W \wedge U\times W \subseteq V \)
shows \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)proofSuppose we have subsets \(A\subseteq X, B\subseteq Y\), where \(X,Y\) are topological spaces with topologies \(T,S\). We can the consider relative topologies on \(T_A, S_B\) on sets \(A,B\) and the collection of cartesian products of sets open in \(T_A, S_B\), (namely \(\{U\times V: U\in T_A, V\in S_B\}\). The next lemma states that this collection is a base of the product topology on \(X\times Y\) restricted to the product \(A\times B\).
lemma prod_restr_base_restr:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( \text{ProductCollection}(T \text{ restricted to } A, S \text{ restricted to } B)\) \( \text{ is a base for } ( \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \text{ restricted to } A\times B) \)proofWe can commute taking restriction (relative topology) and product topology. The reason the two topologies are the same is that they have the same base.
lemma prod_top_restr_comm:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( \text{ProductTopology}(T \text{ restricted to } A,S \text{ restricted to } B) =\) \( \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \text{ restricted to } (A\times B) \)proofProjection of a section of an open set is open.
lemma prod_sec_open1:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \) and A3: \( x \in \bigcup T \)
shows \( \{y \in \bigcup S.\ \langle x,y\rangle \in V\} \in S \)proofProjection of a section of an open set is open. This is dual of prod_sec_open1 with a very similar proof.
lemma prod_sec_open2:
assumes A1: \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and A2: \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \) and A3: \( y \in \bigcup S \)
shows \( \{x \in \bigcup T.\ \langle x,y\rangle \in V\} \in T \)proofIn this section we study properties of Hausdorff spaces (sometimes called separated spaces) These are topological spaces that are \(T_2\) as defined above.
A space is Hausdorff if and only if the diagonal \(\Delta = \{\langle x,x\rangle : x\in X\}\) is closed in the product topology on \(X\times X\).
theorem t2_iff_diag_closed:
assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_2 \longleftrightarrow \{\langle x,x\rangle .\ x\in \bigcup T\} \text{ is closed in } \text{ProductTopology}(T,T) \)proofassumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \) and \( \forall i\in I.\ P(i) \in T \)
shows \( (\bigcup i\in I.\ P(i)) \in T \)assumes \( A\in T \)
shows \( (\bigcup T - A) \text{ is closed in } T \)assumes \( x\in X \) and \( \phi (x) \)
shows \( \exists x\in X.\ \phi (x) \)assumes \( A \subseteq \bigcup T \)
shows \( cl(A) \subseteq \bigcup T \), \( cl(\bigcup T \setminus A) = \bigcup T \setminus int(A) \)assumes \( A \subseteq \bigcup T \), \( V\in T \) and \( A\cap V = 0 \)
shows \( cl(A) \cap V = 0 \)assumes \( A \subseteq \bigcup T \)
shows \( A \subseteq cl(A) \)assumes \( A \subseteq \bigcup T \)
shows \( cl(A) \text{ is closed in } T \) and \( \bigcup T - cl(A) \in T \)assumes \( U\in T \)
shows \( ((\bigcup T)\setminus U) \text{ is closed in } T \)assumes \( T \{is T_3\} \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_2 \)assumes \( T \text{ is }T_2 \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_1 \)assumes \( T \text{ is }T_1 \)
shows \( T \text{ is }T_0 \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( U\in T \)
shows \( \exists A\in Pow(B).\ U = \bigcup A \)assumes \( \forall x\in V\cap W .\ \exists U\in B.\ x\in U \wedge U \subseteq V\cap W \)
shows \( V\cap W \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \)assumes \( \forall U\in C.\ \exists A\in B.\ U = \bigcup A \)
shows \( \bigcup \bigcup \{\bigcup \{A\in B.\ U = \bigcup A\}.\ U\in C\} = \bigcup C \)assumes \( U_1 \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \), \( U_2 \in \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \) and \( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \)
shows \( \exists C.\ C \subseteq \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \wedge U_1\cap U_2 = \bigcup C \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( U \in B \)
shows \( U \in T \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( B\subseteq S \)
shows \( T\subseteq S \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( A \in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \), \( B \in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \)
shows \( \forall x\in (A\cap B).\ \exists W\in \text{ProductCollection}(T,S).\ (x\in W \wedge W \subseteq A \cap B) \)assumes \( B \text{ satisfies the base condition } \) and \( T = \{\bigcup A.\ A\in Pow(B)\} \)
shows \( T \text{ is a topology } \) and \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)
shows \( \bigcup T = \bigcup B \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( (T\times _tS) \text{ is a topology } \), \( \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \text{ is a base for } (T\times _tS) \), \( \bigcup (T\times _tS) = \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( U\in T \) and \( x\in U \)
shows \( \exists V\in B.\ V\subseteq U \wedge x\in V \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( (T\times _tS) \text{ is a topology } \), \( \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \text{ is a base for } (T\times _tS) \), \( \bigcup (T\times _tS) = \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( U\in T \), \( V\in S \)
shows \( U\times V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)assumes \( \forall x\in V.\ \exists U\in T.\ (x\in U \wedge U\subseteq V) \)
shows \( V\in T \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \) and \( B \subseteq T \) and \( \forall V \in T.\ \exists A \in Pow(B).\ V = \bigcup A \)
shows \( B \text{ is a base for } T \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( \text{ProductCollection}(T \text{ restricted to } A, S \text{ restricted to } B)\) \( \text{ is a base for } ( \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \text{ restricted to } A\times B) \)assumes \( B \text{ is a base for } T \) and \( B \text{ is a base for } S \)
shows \( T = S \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)
shows \( V \subseteq \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( U \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \) and \( x \in U \)
shows \( \exists V W.\ V\in T \wedge W\in S \wedge V\times W \subseteq U \wedge x \in V\times W \)assumes \( A \subseteq X\times Y \) and \( U\times V \subseteq A \) and \( x \in U \), \( y \in V \)
shows \( U \subseteq \{t\in X.\ \langle t,y\rangle \in A\} \) and \( V \subseteq \{t\in Y.\ \langle x,t\rangle \in A\} \)assumes \( \forall x.\ x\in A \longrightarrow \phi (x) \)
shows \( \forall x\in A.\ \phi (x) \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \)
shows \( (T\times _tS) \text{ is a topology } \), \( \text{ProductCollection}(T,S) \text{ is a base for } (T\times _tS) \), \( \bigcup (T\times _tS) = \bigcup T \times \bigcup S \)assumes \( T \text{ is a topology } \), \( S \text{ is a topology } \) and \( \forall p\in V.\ \exists U\in T.\ \exists W\in S.\ p\in U\times W \wedge U\times W \subseteq V \)
shows \( V \in \text{ProductTopology}(T,S) \)